Wednesday, April 6, 2011 | Disability Services planning events to change perceptions | Disability Services planning events to change perceptions

Yo everybody! My first article in the Indiana Daily Student was published last week, on my birthday no less!

Grants for Artists with Learning Differences

This past year, the Indiana Arts Commission received federal funding to distribute to artists with disabilities through their "Artist Access Program." My friend Sean Cortright recently completed his first album with these funds from the Indiana Arts Council and The National Endowment of the Arts!  Sean has PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified) with Asperger's tendencies.  The album is available at and at record stores in Bloomington, IN.  I'm so glad that the government funds artists with disabilities and encourages them to showcase their talents!  Here is a small video interview with him to his music:

Sean Cortright's "Bandit Song" from James Walsh on Vimeo.

Other links:
ArtsWork Indiana: For Indiana artists with disabilities
Indiana Arts Council