Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bloomington Family Reaches Fundraising Goal for Service Dog

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about seven-year old Tyler Grieb and his parents Scott Grieb and Emily Nehus on a quest to raise at least $13,000 for a service dog to assist with Tyler's autism.

I'm happy to say that the family has achieved, even exceeded their  goal. The extra money raised will be donated to 4 Paws for Ability,for other families who have been waiting for a service dog the longest and had the least success at raising funds.  They are now waiting for the appropriate dog  for Tyler, which has not even been born yet, but they are hoping for a Labordoodle or Golden Doodle because of Emily's severe allergies to dogs.

The next job for Emily and Scott will be filming a video of Tyler in his daily life. His dog will be trained based on this video. Training will take about nine months to a year, and once the dog is ready to be paired up with Tyler, he and his family will make the trip from Bloomington, Indiana to Xenia Ohio for two weeks worth of training camp in order to learn the dog's commands and start bonding with it.

4 Paws for Ability pairs service dogs with children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and other neurological conditions. For more information visit:

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